November 21, 2010

It All Started With a Little Grape...

We arrived at Tildio Winery a little early and noticed there were palletes of gorgeous green grapes. We thought we missed the harvest as we took our drive East to Lake Chelan exactly 2 weeks after the harvest commenced. We truly lucked out, no crowds and a taste of freshly pressed Viognier juice. Sweet, a touch sour & tart, packed with a puckered punch! T loved it! A sunny lemon yellow juice loaded with antioxidants.

November 14, 2010

Something Exciting is Going On Over At Theo Chocolate

As many of you know, I am a Theonista (although I still have yet to fill out my "Who Is Theo?" of these days!). I've been with Theo Chocolate since T and I moved back to Seattle....which has been a little over a year now. (update 2013: worked for Theo 10/2009-12/2011)  There's always a lot of excitement around this time of year with new creations in our confections kitchen and holiday offerings.

Seven of the west coast's leading chefs spent a day in the Theo Chocolate kitchen collaborating with our Theo chocolatiers to create a confection that portrays the individuality of each chef by using the finest ingredients available as their inspiration.

November 7, 2010

Another Sneak Peek

Sweet Potato Coconut Chai Cupcakes

The perfect gluten, dairy & soy-free treat for all of those delicate bellies out there.

Warming spices, toasted coconut and sweet potatoes are just a sneak peek for what's to come this winter quarter (January-March 2011) at PCC Cooks.

The schedule will be set later this month; I'll be teaching Northwest Fresh. A seasonal four course menu which pulls inspiration from our robust northwest bounty and focuses on gluten, dairy and soy-free cookery also great for Pescetarians as the main dish is one of my favorite go to's for dinner parties, Hazelnut Encrusted Salmon served over Roasted Fennel & Orange Slices.

Happy Cooking!