A loaf of bread that looks as though it could pass for a French boule, albeit a bucolic boule. The Gluten-Free Girl & The Chef aka Shauna James Ahern & Daniel Ahern created a lovely collection of Gluten-Free recipes in their new cookbook.

Slice through the crisp crust and you'll find air pockets and an earthy flavor that pairs perfectly with fig preserves or butter (or of course that dairy-free version of butter)! Would hold up well to any antipasto plate and is the perfect gluten-free partner to summertime grape tomatoes tossed with crushed garlic, freshly torn basil & extra-virgin olive oil.
This recipe is a gem for any gluten-free folks out there yearning for an artisan style crusty bread.
Crusty bread that even those who eat gluten might like
adapted from Shauna James Ahern & Daniel Ahern's gluten-free girl & the chef
1 1/4 cups (8oz) potato starch
1 1/4 cups (3.5oz) almond flour
2/3 cup (3oz) gluten-free oat flour
1/2 cup (3oz) millet flour
1 T active dry yeast
2 t xanthan gum
1 t guar gum
1 1/2 t kosher salt **I used sea salt
1 1/3 cups warm water (about 110 degrees F)
2 large eggs
1/6 cup canola oil **I used olive oil
1 T honey
1 sprig of rosemary, finely chopped
1 T canola oil for oiling the bowl **Again, olive oil
Mixing the dry ingredients.
Place the flours in the bowl of a stand mixer and whirl them together for a few moments with the paddle attachment. You can also do all of this in a large bowl with a whisk.
Add the yeast, xanthan gum, guar gum & salt. Stir to combine
Adding the wet ingredients.
Pour the warm water, eggs, olive oil & honey into the dry ingredients. Mix with the paddle attachment OR with a large spoon if you are mixing by hand. Just until the dough has fully come together. Mix in the rosemary. Shauna notes that it will be soft and sort of slump off the paddle, don't worry! That is the right texture.
Letting the bread dough rise.
Put the dough into a large, oiled bowl. Cover the bowl with clean cloth, then set in a warm place in the kitchen. Let the dough rise until it has doubled in size, about 2 hours. The risen dough will have a texture closer to traditional bread dough than the unrisen dough had.
Preparing to bake.
At the end of the rising time, turn the oven to 500 degrees F. Cut the dough in half and form two small boules (rustic-looking oval loaves). Make three 1/4-inch deep cuts with a serrated knife on the top of the dough.
Baking the bread.
If you have a pizza stone, put the loaves directly onto the pizza stone. Add a few pinches of coarse sea salt and a drizzle or two of olive oil before baking. If you don't have a pizza stone, Shauna goes into how to bake it in a dutch oven. You'll have to pickup the book for all of that.
I'm looking forward to trying the Ahern's gluten-free fresh pasta, as I rarely make fresh pasta any longer due to Travis' gluten-free belly!
FYI, I saw Shauna speak at the IFBC and she is just lovely. Funny and eloquent with great gluten-free stories. I highly recommend seeing her speak if she comes to your town for a book tour at any point.
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