June 14, 2013

I Scream....You Scream....We All Scream for Sous Vide Ice Cream!

Okay, okay, I know, perhaps we don't all scream for sous vide ice cream! However, after you try my Creme Fraiche ice cream using the SousVide Supreme, then my readers you may just indeed scream! I have a new gadget in my kitchen, I'm not at all a gadget girl outside of my gelato machine, electric stand mixer and my food processor....all of these gadgets are a must in any kitchen. The SousVide Supreme is now one of my must-haves...it's so much fun! It creates succulent ribs that fall from the bone, the most perfect fish you'll ever sink your teeth into and tenderizes those inexpensive cuts of meat like a champ! If any of you have ever skirted away from a homemade ice cream recipe due to tempering the eggs for fear of scrambling the eggs then you will be happy to know that this lovely new gadget takes away that worry. I must say I'm over the moon for my Creme Fraiche Ice Cream, it's just delicious on its own, however pairs well with all of those soon to be in season fresh berries. For those of you that are questioning this whole SousVide Supreme thing? It's a water bath cooking device, in order to cook in it you have to vacuum seal your ingredients in a special bag called a cooking pouch, there are different types of pouches, some are specifically used with a vacuum sealer or if your ingredients contain a lot of liquid as my ice cream base does, then you can use the SousVide Supreme Zip Pouches. As you'll learn with liquids, you never want to vacuum seal as you'll suck all of the liquid up into the vacuum sealer and not only create a big mess, but you'll most likely destroy your sealer, so you'll need to simply use the Archimedes Principle of sealing the bag.

Victoria's Favorite Sous Vide Creme Fraiche Ice Cream
Yields: 1 quart of liquid base

 1 1/2 cups (12 ounces) whole milk, divided
3/4 cups organic sugar
 pinch sea salt
6 egg yolks
scant 2 cups (15 ounces) creme fraiche

Fill the SousVide Supreme with warm water and set the temperature to 140 degrees F (60 degrees C).
In a small saucepan warm 1 cup (8 ounces) of the milk with the sugar over medium-high heat. Stir until melted.
Once the sugar is melted, pour the mixture into a bowl, stir in the remaining 1/2 cup (4 ounces) of milk and let cool for at least 20 minutes or to speed up the process chill quickly over an ice-bath.
In a separate bowl whisk together the egg yolks and the sea salt, whisk this mixture into the cooled milk and sugar mixture.
Pour this mixture into a SousVide Supreme Zip Pouch and use the Archimedes Principle to seal the bag. Put the sealed bag into the SousVide Supreme, cover and set timer for 45 minutes.
After 45 minutes has passed, pull the bag from the water bath and strain the contents through a fine-mesh sieve into a clean bowl.
Chill the mixture in an ice-water bath.
Once chilled whisk in the creme fraiche and freeze in an ice-cream machine according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Freeze until firm or if you can't wait, eat right away.

 Buon Appetito! Or in this case Bon Appetit!

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